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Publications can be found at: Google Scholar, Scopus


  1. Otaran A, Farkhatdinov I. Haptic Ankle Platform for Interactive Walking in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2021 Sep 10.
  2. Vitanov I, Farkhatdinov I, Denoun B, Palermo F, Otaran A, Brown J, Omarali B, Abrar T, Hansard M, Oh C, Poslad S. A Suite of Robotic Solutions for Nuclear Waste Decommissioning. Robotics. 2021 Dec;10(4):112.
  3. Din AR, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I, Brown J, Morgan C, Shahdad S. Innovation in the time of SARS-CoV-2: A collaborative journey between NHS clinicians, engineers, academics and industry. The Surgeon. 2021 Jan 22.
  4. Palermo F, Konstantinova J, Poslad S, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I. Automatic Fracture Characterization Using Tactile and Proximity Optical Sensing. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 2020 Dec 2.
  5. Sun F, Zang W, Huang H, Farkhatdinov I, Li Y. Accelerometer-Based Key Generation and Distribution Method for Wearable IoT Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2020 Aug 6.
  6. Huang HY, Farkhatdinov I, Arami A, Bouri M, Burdet E. Cable-driven robotic interface for lower limb neuromechanics identification. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2020 Jun 23.
  7. Huang HY, Arami A, Farkhatdinov I, Formica D, Burdet E. The influence of posture, applied force and perturbation direction on hip joint viscoelasticity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2020 Mar 26;28(5):1138-45.
  8. Farkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Berthoz A, Hayward V. Idiothetic Verticality Estimation through Head Stabilization Strategy. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2019 Apr 29;4(3):2677-82. [LR] Best paper finalist at RSS 2019 [acceptance rate 20%]
  9. Farkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Berthoz A, Hayward V. Gravito-inertial ambiguity resolved through head stabilization. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 2019 Mar 29;475(2223):20180010. [LR] 
  10. Farkhatdinov I, Ebert J, Van Oort G, Vlutters M, Van Asseldonk E, Burdet E. Assisting human balance in standing with a robotic exoskeleton. IEEE Robotics and automation letters. 2019 Jan 3;4(2):414-21.
  11. Ogrinc M, Farkhatdinov I, Walker R, Burdet E. Horseback riding therapy for a deafblind individual enabled by a haptic interface. Assistive Technology. 2018 May 27;30(3):143-50.
  12. Ogrinc M, Farkhatdinov I, Walker R, Burdet E. Sensory integration of apparent motion speed and vibration magnitude. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 2017 Nov 15;11(3):455-63.
  13. Farkhatdinov I, Roehri N, Burdet E. Anticipatory detection of turning in humans for intuitive control of robotic mobility assistance. Bioinspiration & biomimetics. 2017 Sep 25;12(5):055004.
  14. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH, Poduraev J. A user study of command strategies for mobile robot teleoperation. Intelligent Service Robotics. 2009 Apr 1;2(2):95-104.
  15. Farkhatdinov I, Kim DW, Ryu JH. Automotive Engineering Educational System Development Using Augmented Reality. The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education. 2009;1(1):51-4.

Book chapters

  1. Farkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Berthoz A, Hayward V. Review of anthropomorphic head stabilisation and verticality estimation in robots. In Biomechanics of anthropomorphic systems 2019 (pp. 185-209). Springer, Cham.

Peer-reviewed conferences

  1. Otaran A, Farkhatdinov I. Walking-in-Place Foot Interface for Locomotion Control and Telepresence of Humanoid Robots. In2020 IEEE-RAS 20th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) 2021 Jul 19 (pp. 453-458). IEEE.
  2. Brown J, Farkhatdinov I. Shape-Changing Touch Pad based on Particle Jamming and Vibration. In 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2021 Jul 6 (pp. 337-337). IEEE.
  3. Brown J, Farkhatdinov I. A Soft, Vibrotactile, Shape-Changing Joystick for Telerobotics. In 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2021 Jul 6 (pp. 1158-1158). IEEE.
  4. Otaran A, Farkhatdinov I. A cable-driven walking interface with haptic feedback for seated VR. In 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2021 Jul 6 (pp. 592-592). IEEE.
  5. Slonina Z, Bonzini AA, Brown J, Wang S, Farkhatdinov I, Althoefer K, Jamone L, Versace E. Using RoboChick to Identify the Behavioral Features Promoting Social Interactions. In2021 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) 2021 Aug 23 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  6. Soave F, Padma Kumar A, Bryan-Kinns N, Farkhatdinov I. Exploring Terminology for Perception of Motion in Virtual Reality. InDesigning Interactive Systems Conference 2021 2021 Jun 28 (pp. 171-179).
  7. Palermo F, Rincon-Ardila L, Oh C, Althoefer K, Poslad S, Venture G, Farkhatdinov I. Multi-modal robotic visual-tactile localisation and detection of surface cracks. In2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2021 Aug 23 (pp. 1806-1811). IEEE.
  8. Otaran A, Farkhatdinov I. A Short Description of an Ankle-Actuated Seated VR Locomotion Interface. In 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) 2021 Mar 27 (pp. 64-66). IEEE.
  9. Soave F, Farkhatdinov I, Bryan-Kinns N. Multisensory Teleportation in Virtual Reality Applications. In2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) 2021 Mar 27 (pp. 377-379). IEEE.
  10. Ratcliffe J, Soave F, Bryan-Kinns N, Farkhatdinov I, Tokarchuk L, Extended Reality (XR) Remote Research: a Survey of Drawbacks and Opportunities, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing systems 2021.
  11. Junput B, Farkhatdinov I, Jamone L. Touch It, Rub It, Feel It! Haptic Rendering of Physical Textures with a Low Cost Wearable System. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2020 Sep 16 (pp. 274-286). Springer, Cham.
  12. Soave F, Bryan-Kinns N, Farkhatdinov I. A Preliminary Study on Full-Body Haptic Stimulation on Modulating Self-motion Perception in Virtual Reality. In International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics 2020 Sep 7 (pp. 461-469). Springer, Cham.
  13. Omarali B, Denoun B, Althoefer K, Jamone L, Valle M, Farkhatdinov I. Virtual reality based telerobotics framework with depth cameras. In 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2020 (pp. 1217-1222). IEEE.
  14. Palermo F, Konstantinova J, Althoefer K, Poslad S, Farkhatdinov I. Implementing tactile and proximity sensing for crack detection. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020 May 31 (pp. 632-637). IEEE.
  15. Brown JP, Farkhatdinov I. Soft Haptic Interface based on Vibration and Particle Jamming. In 2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS) 2020 Mar 28 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Best paper finalist
    Perez NP, Tokarchuk L, Burdet E, Farkhatdinov I. Exploring User Motor Behaviour in Bimanual Interactive Video Games. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 2019 Aug 20 (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  16. Danabek D, Otaran A, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I. Mobile Robot Trajectory Analysis with the Help of Vision System. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2019 Jul 3 (pp. 273-279). Springer, Cham.
  17. Otaran A, Farkhatdinov I. Modeling and Control of Ankle Actuation Platform for Human-Robot Interaction. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2019 Jul 3 (pp. 338-348). Springer, Cham. Best student paper
  18. Omarali B, Palermo F, Valle M, Poslad S, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I. Position and Velocity Control for Telemanipulation with Interoperability Protocol. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2019 Jul 3 (pp. 316-324). Springer, Cham.
  19. Pruks V, Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Preliminary study on real-time interactive virtual fixture generation method for shared teleoperation in unstructured environments. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 2018 Jun 13 (pp. 648-659). Springer, Cham.
  20. Duvernoy B, Farkhatdinov I, Topp S, Hayward V. Electromagnetic actuator for tactile communication. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 2018 Jun 13 (pp. 14-24). Springer, Cham.
  21. Stone A, Farkhatdinov I. Robotics education for children at secondary school level and above. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2017 Jul 19 (pp. 576-585). Springer, Cham.
  22. Huang HY, Farkhatdinov I, Arami A, Burdet E. Modelling neuromuscular function of SCI patients in balancing. In Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II 2017 (pp. 355-359). Springer, Cham.
  23. Ogrinc M, Farkhatdinov I, Walker R, Burdet E. Deaf-Blind Can Practise Horse Riding with the Help of Haptics. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 2016 Jul 4 (pp. 452-461). Springer, Cham.
  24. Wilhelm E, Mace M, Takagi A, Farkhatdinov I, Guy S, Burdet E. Investigating Tactile Sensation in the Hand Using a Robot-Based Tactile Assessment Tool. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 2016 Jul 4 (pp. 17-24). Springer, Cham.
  25. Farkhatdinov I, Garnier A, Burdet E. Development and evaluation of a portable MR compatible haptic interface for human motor control. In 2015 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2015 Jun 22 (pp. 196-201). IEEE. Best paper finalist
  26. Farkhatdinov I, Ouarti N, Hayward V. Vibrotactile inputs to the feet can modulate vection. In 2013 World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2013 Apr 14 (pp. 677-681). IEEE.
  27. Van Quang H, Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Passivity of delayed bilateral teleoperation of mobile robots with ambiguous causalities: Time domain passivity approach. In 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2012 Oct 7 (pp. 2635-2640). IEEE.
  28. Farkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Berthoz A, Hayward V. Modeling verticality estimation during locomotion. In Romansy 19–robot design, dynamics and control 2013 (pp. 359-366). Springer, Vienna.
  29. Farkhatdinov I, Hayward V, Berthoz A. On the benefits of head stabilization with a view to control balance and locomotion in humanoids. In 2011 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots 2011 Oct 26 (pp. 147-152). IEEE.
  30. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Improving mobile robot bilateral teleoperation by introducing variable force feedback gain. In 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2010 Oct 18 (pp. 5812-5817). IEEE.
  31. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Stability analysis of mobile robot teleoperation with variable force feedback gain. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 2010 Jul 8 (pp. 177-182). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  32. King HH, Hannaford B, Kwok KW, Yang GZ, Griffiths P, Okamura A, Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH, Sankaranarayanan G, Arikatla V, Tadano K. Plugfest 2009: Global interoperability in telerobotics and telemedicine. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2010 May 3 (pp. 1733-1738). IEEE.
  33. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH, An J. A preliminary experimental study on haptic teleoperation of mobile robot with variable force feedback gain. In 2010 IEEE Haptics Symposium 2010 Mar 25 (pp. 251-256). IEEE. Best poster award
  34. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH, Poduraev J. Rendering of environmental force feedback in mobile robot teleoperation based on fuzzy logic. In 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation-(CIRA) 2009 Dec 15 (pp. 503-508). IEEE.
  35. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Development of educational system for automotive engineering based on augmented reality. In Int. conf. on engineering education and research 2009 Aug.
  36. Farkhatdinov I, Balashov V, Ryu JH, Poduraev J. A comparative study of indirect and direct workspace representation in human-robot interaction. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 2009 Jan 1;42(4):1730-5.
  37. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH, Poduraev J. A feasibility study of time-domain passivity approach for bilateral teleoperation of mobile manipulator. In 2008 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2008 Oct 14 (pp. 272-277). IEEE.
  38. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Teleoperation of multi-robot and multi-property systems. In 2008 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics 2008 Jul 13 (pp. 1453-1458).
  39. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Switching of control signals in teleoperation systems: Formalization and application. In 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2008 Jul 2 (pp. 353-358). IEEE.
  40. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. A study on the role of force feedback for teleoperation of industrial overhead crane. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 2008 Jun 10 (pp. 796-805). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  41. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH, Poduraev J. Control strategies and feedback information in mobile robot teleoperation. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 2008 Jan 1;41(2):14681-6.
  42. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. Hybrid position-position and position-speed command strategy for the bilateral teleoperation of a mobile robot. In 2007 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2007 Oct 17 (pp. 2442-2447). IEEE.
  43. Farkhatdinov I, Ryu JH. A user study of a mobile robot teleoperation. In Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence 2007.